Come to train my kid. Will do drills so not taking place during games.
Jointly agreed rules made on Saturday
Practices for beginners and more experienced
- The beginners' shifts are changed to shifts open to everyone, but they are aimed at those who have played less! Experienced players can participate. It is not necessary to know the rules of volleyball, the more experienced ones are helping those who have played less.
- Participating in the practices for more experienced plaeyrs requires that you know the rules and playing positions of volleyball at some level and that the three-touch game goes well.
The right to participate in the shift
- Only those who have paid the membership and season fee have the right to participate in practices!
- Those players who have not paid are marked as non-members. If you still pay the season fee, send a message. pauliinasusanna(piste)loisa(miuku)gmail(piste)com.
- New members are not accepted for the time being.
- Participants from outside the club cannot be brought to the shifts.
Use of Nimenhuuto
- Participating in the turn requires that the player has indicated that he/she will participate in Nimenhuuto.
- If there is a last-minute obstacle and you can't participate, remember to mark OUT in Nimenhuuto and, if necessary, send a message in the whatsapp group or through Nimenhuuto that you won't be coming. Someone else can then come instead.
Practices for beginners and more experienced
- The beginners' shifts are changed to shifts open to everyone, but they are aimed at those who have played less! Experienced players can participate. It is not necessary to know the rules of volleyball, the more experienced ones are helping those who have played less.
- Participating in the practices for more experienced plaeyrs requires that you know the rules and playing positions of volleyball at some level and that the three-touch game goes well.
The right to participate in the shift
- Only those who have paid the membership and season fee have the right to participate in practices!
- Those players who have not paid are marked as non-members. If you still pay the season fee, send a message. pauliinasusanna(piste)loisa(miuku)gmail(piste)com.
- New members are not accepted for the time being.
- Participants from outside the club cannot be brought to the shifts.
Use of Nimenhuuto
- Participating in the turn requires that the player has indicated that he/she will participate in Nimenhuuto.
- If there is a last-minute obstacle and you can't participate, remember to mark OUT in Nimenhuuto and, if necessary, send a message in the whatsapp group or through Nimenhuuto that you won't be coming. Someone else can then come instead.
Tänään yhdessä sovitut käytännöt kuntolentiksessä:
Aloittelijoiden ja kokeneempien vuorot
- Aloittelijoiden vuorot muutetaan kaikille avoimiksi vuoroiksi, mutta ne on suunnattu vähemmän pelanneille! Kokeneet pelaajat voivat osallistua, mutta vuorolla ei tarvitse vielä osata lentopallon sääntöjä vaan siellä harjoitellaan yhdessä. Kokeneemmat ovat auttamassa vähemmän pelanneita oppimaan.
- Kokeneempien vuorolle osallistuminen edellyttää, että tuntee jollain tasolla lentopallon säännöt ja pelipaikat ja kolmen kosketuksen peli sujuu.
Osallistumisoikeus vuorolle
- Vain jäsen- ja kausimaksun maksaneilla on oikeus osallistua vuoroille!
- Ne pelaajat on merkitty ei-jäseniksi, jotka eivät ole maksaneet. Jos maksat vielä kausimaksun, laita viestiä. pauliinasusanna(piste)loisa(miuku)gmail(piste)com.
- Uusia jäseniä ei toistaiseksi oteta.
- Vuoroille ei voi tuoda seuran ulkopuolisia osallistujia.
Nimenhuudon käyttö
- Vuorolle osallistuminen edellyttää, että pelaaja on merkinnyt Nimenhuutoon osallistuvansa.
- Jos tulee viime hetken este etkä pääsekään osallistumaan, muista merkitä Nimenhuutoon OUT ja tarvittaessa laita whatsapp-ryhmässä tai Nimehuudon kautta viestiä ettet tulekaan. Joku muu voi tällöin ilmoittautua tilallesi.
Muistakaa sammuttaa valot viikonloppuisin Storängenin koululta! On tullut palautetta, että valot on jätetty päälle. Meillä on lauantaisin ja sunnuntaisin viimeinen vuoro. //
Remember to turn off the lights at the Storängen school on weekends! There has been feedback that the lights have been left on. We have the last shift on Saturdays and Sundays.
Käyttöehdot Evästeasetukset © 2007-2024
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